I would be trying to make posts 10x more often than this, but I've been stressed out of my mind, with all of this homework, and college application stuff, and dance classes, and work (I work at Aldo Accessories, but I haven't even officially started yet, but the application process and meetings and stuff count, haha). The pathetic thing is that I don't even get any of it done, due to personal problems which I might-possibly-maybe never make a post about, but you get the point.
I'm the queen of procrastination when it comes to everything, and although many people probably think to themselves when reading this "Well, I procrastinate too, I have a real procrastination problem." -- yeah, no, like I take it to a WHOLE new level. LOL. So procrastinating on things that I don't like (i.e. regular academic homework, college applications) is a given, but I procrastinate on things I like doing too (i.e. cleaning my room, doing homework for my fashion class, sketching, sewing, making blog posts, etc.) so I just get absolutely nothing done.
Like, as I'm typing this, I have about two weeks worth of outfits I wore to school just laying in a messy heap amongst the headache-inducing mess of random things on my floor, because I was too lazy to stand in front of my closet door for about five minutes to take an OOTD picture to post on my Instagram (@imvictoriuuh).
Also, as I'm typing this, I'm working on my competition entry for this leadership organization that I'm in called FCCLA, where I had to design and sew an outfit to fit a Barbie doll, make a little business plan sheet thing that has a fabric profile, explanation of design, demographics, blahblahblah, and then a sketch of said outfit. I've been working .. I mean, "working" on this project since September, and the competition is on Monday, so obviously .. procrastination struck yet again. I'm currently hand stitching the waistband of my skirt (which is 10x harder and more tedious than you think, especially if you've never held a hand needle in your life before)
I'll probably make a post about my entire project after I actually complete it, but this'll suffice for now.
After I finish the waistband, and tacking on the velcro+snap closure duo, I'll hopefully attempt to make a mini haul post so I don't feel so pathetic about my intended "fashion blog" which has been more of a "normal but annoying rambling teenage girl blog" based off of this and the previous post.
So yeah. Let me end my rambling here and thank my nonexistent followers/stumbling viewers for reading my unnervingly long post.
Edit (11:57 P.M.) I actually first posted this at 11:51, but as I read over it again, I keep on finding stupid mistakes that I can't help but edit and then consequently re-publish it over and over. Ugh, I annoy myself. LOL.
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